V. Alexander & Co., Inc

22 Century Blvd., Suite 510
Nashville, TN 37214

Freight Driven, Customer Focused.

It’s quite fashionable to talk about moving cargo in high-minded terms, and many of those “supply chain” ideas are useful tools. However, when it comes to moving your cargo, none of those elevated theories mean much without a rock-solid foundation on the ground. People and technology working in concert to ensure that everything gets where it needs to go, every single time, no matter how complicated the circumstances. That’s just what V. Alexander has been doing every day since 1962.

We have built a successful global logistics company on excellence, one transaction at a time. V. Alexander’s vision is to be the world’s most valued independent cargo dynamics provider. Being the most valued requires developing the most effective technology and systems, hiring and training the most qualified people, pioneering new solutions for our industry, and adding value to everything we do.