The Alabama Germany community is mourning the loss of Herr Rainer Bauer

It is with a very heavy heart and the greatest sadness that we share the passing of our dear friend Mr. Rainer Bauer. He lived in Esslingen, Germany near Stuttgart.

Mr. Bauer had many contacts with the State of Alabama before Mercedes-Benz was here. During his time in Alabama, Mr. Bauer developed a positive and personal relationship within the economic development community. He opened doors between Alabama and Germany for many years. Because of this dedication and loyal friendship to Alabama, AGP chose to name the “Rainer Bauer” award after him, to honor him, starting in 2001. He received the award the first year, as a German Businessman, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist, who for years, was a friend of Alabama and a constant supporter of the Alabama-Germany connection.

Mr. Bauer remained friends with many of his Alabamian contacts over the years and joined the AGP Annual Celebration Dinner when he could.

Please remember Mr. Bauer’s family in your thoughts and prayers.